Intrec logo INTREC - INDEPTH Training & Research Centres of Excellence

Addressing Inequities and Social Determinants of Health in Asia & Africa


SDH Framework

Methods to study SDH

Data analyses workshop
Communication strategies
Sharing results of the training

SDH Framework

Geospatial differences. The role of social and environmental place

This class will cover the following themes:

  1. A brief description of the importance of space in assessing disease patterns and in unveiling the importance of social and environmental aspects for observed disease profiles.

  2. Framework of disease transmission: role of space

  3. Disease surveillance: role of space

  4. The advantages and challenges of using spatial approaches in health studies.

  5. Present (with examples) of varied application of geospatial approaches in health:

  • Geocoding
  • Visualization
  • Point pattern analysis / clustering
  • Spatial interpolation
  • Spatial estimation
  • Spatial econometrics
  • Remote sensing
  1. Overview of available software

This website is a result of a project funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant Agreement number 282605. Project: INDEPTH Training and Research Centres of Excellence (INTREC). The work was carried by a Consortium team of five university-based centres in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia and USA and by one research network of demographic surveillance sites in LMICs with headquarters in Ghana (INDEPTH). 
Website Editor: Lena Mustonen