Intrec logo INTREC - INDEPTH Training & Research Centres of Excellence

Addressing Inequities and Social Determinants of Health in Asia & Africa


Block 1 -
SDH Framework

Block 2 -
Methods to study SDH

Block 3 -
Data analyses workshop

Block 4 -
Communication strategies

Block 5 -
Sharing results of the training

Block 3 - Data analyses workshop

Aim of the workshop
The overall aim of the workshop is to begin developing a new SDH-focused study of publishable quality. The participants will be trained to apply quantitative empirical methods to their own data set, using the Stata Statistical Software package. The quantitative analyses will later be integrated with qualitative and other data available on the relevant subject for building the SDH-focused case study.

Learning objectives:

  • To hone a research question
  • To learn how to access and manipulate data.
  • To learn how to generate descriptive statistics and figures to present data.
  • To learn how to conduct quantitative analysis in practice.
  • To start thinking how this quantitative data makes sense in the context of preliminary SDH analyses of the country (INTREC reports WP1) and other data available

Workshop description
The workshop will be conducted in a computer laboratory. The workshop will use a combination of short lectures and personal sessions with researchers. At the beginning of the workshop, researchers will briefly describe the specific question they are interested in and the data set they are planning to be using. At the end of the workshop, researchers will present a first set of regression results, and discuss them in the context of other data available, which will ideally form the basis for a later manuscript to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals.

This website is a result of a project funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant Agreement number 282605. Project: INDEPTH Training and Research Centres of Excellence (INTREC). The work was carried by a Consortium team of five university-based centres in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia and USA and by one research network of demographic surveillance sites in LMICs with headquarters in Ghana (INDEPTH). 
Website Editor: Lena Mustonen