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Addressing Inequities and Social Determinants of Health in Asia & Africa


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WP 1 - WP 2 - WP 3 - WP 4 - WP 5 - WP 6 - WP 7

WP 7 - Project management


The success of the integration of interdisciplinary and multi-centric activities depends on the strong centralized management to ensure timely funds availability for each activity in each centre. Coordination, control and evaluation of the activities and their results in terms of their coherence with plans. The objective of this workpackage is to implement project management. The project manager will support the coordinator with the day-to-day management of the project and ensure the communication within the consortium. The manager will collect the annual reports from workpackage leaders and organize consortium meetings

Raman Preet
Scientific project manager
Karl-Erik Renhorn
Research co-ordinator
Andreas Ekholm
Finance co-ordinator
Lena Mustonen
Project administrator

Website Editor: Lena Mustonen