Intrec logo INTREC - INDEPTH Training & Research Centres of Excellence

Addressing Inequities and Social Determinants of Health in Asia & Africa


Block 1 - SDH Framework

Block 2 -
Methods to study SDH

Block 3 -
Data analyses workshop

Block 4 -
Communication strategies

Block 5 -
Sharing results of the training

Block 5 - Sharing results of the training

SDH policy briefs and papers

Social disparities in tobacco consumption in rural India,the roles of caste and education - Policy brief (Anamitra Barik, India)

Social disparities in tobacco consumption in rural India,the roles of caste and education background - Paper (Anamitra Barik, India)

Does health care utilization depend on health insurance status? - Policy brief (Thoa Nguyen, Vietnam)

The impact of health insurance on healthcare ultilization in Vietnam: a cross-section study in Filabavi 2012 - Paper (Thoa Nguyen, Vietnam)

The extent of HIV prevalence and the associated social determinants among married individuals in Ifakara-HDSS-Tanzania - Policy brief (Sally Mtenga, Tanzania)

Assessing the association between gender of the household head and teenage pregnancy in Tanzania - Paper (Sally Mtenga, Tanzania)

Social determinants of health - Policy brief (Angela Kimweri, Tanzania)

Social Determinants of HIV prevalence among Married and Cohabitating adults in Southern Tanzania: Implication for addressing context specific drivers of epidemic - Paper (Angela Kimweri, Tanzania)

Social determinants of under-five mortality in Ethiopia: Issue brief for stakeholders (Muluken Gizaw, Ethiopia)

Under five mortality and its predictors in Gilgel Gibe Health and Demographic Surveillance System Site, South West Ethiopia (Fasil Tassema, Ethiopia)

This website is a result of a project funded under the Health theme of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community, Grant Agreement number 282605. Project: INDEPTH Training and Research Centres of Excellence (INTREC). The work was carried by a Consortium team of five university-based centres in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia and USA and by one research network of demographic surveillance sites in LMICs with headquarters in Ghana (INDEPTH). 
Website Editor: Lena Mustonen